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Art Review - Marc Zimmerman

12 Oct 2022
“Weaving Sensuous Form
Creating exotic environments
Mystery and atmosphere
Fascinating color ways
Integration of color form and things to create an exotic fantasy world
The Exotic Worlds of Marc Zimmmerman
Deep dark jungles layered in inventive botanical foliage, weaving patterns crisscrossing each other. Broad leaves spreading out laterally or rising up; reaching for the sky. Here and there the jungle reveals its mysterious animals partially in hiding behind the jungle growth, protecting themselves from their predators. Some are braver, not afraid to show themselves and perhaps indulge in some fresh fruit or smell an unusual Zimmerman floral invention. Color ways are a specialty as Marc invents his jungle environments, rarely choosing the same palette. From classic cool greens to warm late afternoon sun downers one can expect to see and feel his atmospheres deliciously arouse ones senses. Expect the unexpected as the artist throws in a surprise shock of color since flowers often bloom in these exotic jungle creations. You can call it “Artist License”.
Marcs paintings open up new worlds to the viewers senses. Carefully selected color integrates creating believable yet romantic settings, where botanicals and fauna thrive in exotic artistic creation.”

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